The production process of nylon rods is not as complicated as imagined. As long as you pay attention to some details during the production process and maintain the ambient temperature, you can make a perfect nylon rod. We summarize the specific operations as the following 8 points.
1. Equipment required: plastic extruder.
2. Materials used: The extrusion of extruded nylon rods is a difficult variety of plastic products. Usually, choose a brand with a viscosity greater than 3.0 for material selection. The lower the viscosity, the more difficult the extrusion molding and the more complicated the mold requirements. Choose materials of different sizes according to the length-to-diameter ratio of the screw and other data.

3. Mold: The structure of the head is similar to the ordinary plastic head, but the pressure is higher.
4. Preparation: As nylon is highly hygroscopic, the material must be dried before processing to ensure that the water content is less than 0.3%.
5. Warm-up.
6. Extrusion, sizing, coding, meter counting, coiling, testing, storage.
7. The above is the extrusion molding of PA11/12 extruded nylon rod. After PA6 extruded nylon rods are formed, humidity conditioning is usually required to make the product soft.
8. Materials that need humidification usually have poor low-temperature resistance, brittle fracture, and poor scale stability.
In addition, because nylon products are polymer products, there is a conflict between the cutter and the drilling tool during the process of extruding the nylon rod, and the extruding nylon rod generates heat. If the processing technology is improper, it is easy to cause problems such as incorrect workpiece size, drilling cracks, etc. During the processing of extruded nylon rods, the following points should be paid attention to the influence of ambient temperature on processing, the influence of ring parts on nylon products The influence of scale stability cannot be ignored. It is recommended to establish a constant temperature workshop in a qualified processing factory.